About Us
Now in our 52nd year, we are a group of like-minded people that love and celebrate the thoroughbred, meeting once a month. The aim of the club is to do everything possible to popularize our great sport of thoroughbred racing for the benefit of all those interested in the industry.
The Thoroughbred Club of Australia meets every month and invites guests speakers drawn from the industry.
The Thoroughbred Club of Australia meets every month and invites guests speakers drawn from the industry.
Our Objectives
To promote, foster and encourage closer co-operation and better business relations in the thoroughbred horse industry; to provide a forum for the discussion and interchange of ideas relating to the raising, breeding, racing and marketing of thoroughbred horses and to encourage public interest therein; to gather and disseminate such knowledge and information pertaining to the breeding, raising and racing of thoroughbred horses of interests and value to persons having a common interest therein; and in general to endeavour in every proper and lawful way to promote better business conditions in said industry.